Teayana is the place to be for Tea lovers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Teayana is a tea lounge which offers unique experience of tasting carefully handpicked selection of the best tea types from the different growing regions of the world. Apart from offering tea, it offers the visitors with a variety of desserts, beverages & delicious breakfast and lunch deals to make for a great meal.
We as an agency were contracted to promote Teayana's presence over the social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Our Social Media marketing strategy for Teayana was carefully planned, as it included special emphasis on on-going and upcoming campaigns and offers currently running at Teayana lounges. Apart from the campaigns, we kept the viewers interested so that they keep coming back for more. We made sure we design interesting activities that boost high level of engagement with the help of infographics, healthy facts & tips, International causes and occassions etc.
Teayana Offer social media posts work as direct advertisement and marketing for the brand. These posts focused on the on-going and upcoming offers and deals at Teayana lounge.
Teayana launched a social media campaign to promote their Photo Quest challange. Photo Quest is a treasure hunt, aimed at younger kids. The aim is to photograph each and every Quest item placed within Teayana stores.
Bonanza is an annual clearance sale at Teayana with a variety of items for tea-lovers. The Bonanza was marketed through Social Media marketing to make a bigger impact. The campaign reached out to the audience in teaser & revealer phase to draw maximum attention. The merchandize was used in the campaign as characters, in order to give a more human and personalized feel to them.
Teayana each month promotes a tea from a certain part of the world. Through this campaign, Teayana aims its visitors to experience the respective country's culture, traditions, and aura while they take a sip of their tea at one of Teayana lounges.
Teayana cares for the social causes affecting the people around the world. Hence the social media marketing focused on these carefully picked causes & ocassions and hence raise awareness through its platform.